Crabbwoy (a.k.a. Xu Hai mie, the sidewalker):
Real name as in Suhaimi Abdul Hamid.
Nicknames as in Xu or Atok.
Born in Singapore.
Age 33.
Status Married with two kids.
Music experiences works late 2002,
started around late 2003.
Live shows a few in Singapore.
Releases of album so far no, and not to any label yet before.
Music Works :-
Music genre: Electronic.
Style: Broken Harsh Beat.
I would prefer you to name it my style of music.
As music production making with personal computer, laptop,
gadgets, hardwares, mixers, synthesizers, keyboards & midi,
It has all blend and diverse of mixing in my personal way.
Some tracks are done with live set take on the go, cut, paste and chop, chop.
as in live electronics, i prefer my style of making music that way most of the time,
software are parts of my editing, finalize & mastering process.
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ecbmusickSociopath Release:
[SRmp3 162] Crabbwoy - Crustacean Breakz